Psycho 2000 (2000)


106 minutes

Psycho 2000 was one of the first videos to explore both film versions of Psycho (Alfred Hitchcock's 1960 original and Gus Van Sant's 1998 remake). Using a VHS video switcher, both films were played simultaneously and recorded superimposed on top of each other, revealing that the remake, purportedly shot-for-shot, is not what it claims to be, and the two films are almost never in sync. The viewer's mind is constantly torn between moments that have both already happened and are about to happen, but not necessarily in the way they are remembered. And Mother has the last word.

Originally made in 4:3 on a VHS switcher, in was remastered in 16:9 in 2004.

Selected press:"...much more startling than Soderbergh's Psychos, precisely because it doesn't give us a paint-by-numbers demonstration of the scene. It invites a perplexed viewing experience and offers up the viewer's mind and visual senses to be challenged." - Nelson Carvajal, Not Shot For Shot: Soderbergh's "Psychos" vs. Olenick's "Psycho 2000"


2001 for 2001


Invasion of the Living Dead